Rules of the Soccer Facility
(Updated: November 16, 2017)
General Rules Zero Tolerace Policy Guidelines and Policies League and Player Information |
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General Rules
- Individuals utilizing this facility do so at their own risk. The property owners, league operators and staff of Soccer Central assume no liability for any injuries or accidents, which may occur. Please reference the Release of Liability/Assumption of Risk Agreement Form and signage posted within the facility.
- Conduct within the facility should be in the spirit of good sporting behavior.
- Please no alcohol or drug use prior to or during play. Doing so will result in ejection from the facility.
- If you find or lose any item please report it immediately to the Soccer Central Staff. We do not assume responsibility for any lost items.
- No food, drinks, chewing tobacco, chewing gum or cleats permitted on playing surface.
- No sunflower seeds or similar type products are permitted in the facility.
- No glass containers on the field or in the player boxes.
- No video taping or photo taking from the player boxes. You may video tape or take photos from the stands.
- All play must be conducted as set forth in the Soccer Central LAWS OF THE GAME.
- We reserve the right to refuse play and or service to anyone.
Zero Tolerance Policy
- Anyone fighting within the arena or on the facility property will be subject to termination of membership, and may face civil or criminal charges.
- Acts of God, civil unrest or other circumstances both foreseeable and unforeseeable may prevent completion of a game or session. In the event that Soccer Central is responsible for an incomplete session and if completion of a game or session cannot be concluded in a reasonable period of time, Soccer Central’s liability will under no circumstances exceed a prorated return of the team registration fees minus any non-refundable deposits.
- Any player or coach receiving a red card must immediately leave the facility.
- The team manager, coach or team representative is responsible for the conduct of all players, and the players shall be responsible for the conduct of all the team’s spectators.
- Children must be supervised at all times. Please do not allow them to stand on chairs or tables to watch games. Parents are financially responsible for any damage done to Soccer Central property by their children.
Guidelines and Policies
- Membership: Membership to Soccer Central is open to all members of the community. Membership may be obtained by completing the appropriate Release of Liability/Assumption of Risk form and paying the annual membership fee. Membership entitles the player to utilize the facility as a registered team player league play, participate in practice sessions, tournaments, clinics, open pick-up games and other activities. Membership may be revoked at the discretion of Soccer Central Management.
- Release of Liability/Assumption of Risk Agreement: No individual will be allowed to participate in any league games, practice session, tournament, clinic, open pick-up game, or other activities unless a release form has been properly completed and signed.
- League Registration & Fees: Teams are registered on a first-come, first-serve basis; with existing registered teams getting priority. A deposit will be refunded only if a team is not offered a position in the league/division selected or an acceptable alternative. Registration must be paid in full before the second game is played. Payment after the second game may incur additional fees.
- Equipment:
- Indoor flat soled or turf soccer shoes are required (No studded/screw in shoes). Teams MUST be dressed in matching colored jerseys (shirts). Permanent numbers are required.
- Shin guards are required.
- Each team must present a game ball prior to the start of play or may be subject to forfeit.
- Laws of the Game: The Laws of the Game followed at Soccer Central are as set forth in the United States Indoor Soccer Association Official Indoor Soccer Rules, unless otherwise specified. Please read the Soccer Central Laws of the Game.
- Sporting Behavior: Individuals are expected to play under control and within the rules of the game, and to the best of their ability, will avoid causing injury to themselves and other persons using the facility.
- Referee Staff:
- Soccer Central’s management would like to reaffirm that referees appointed to officiate each game have complete authority, and that their decisions on points of fact connected with the game are final. Complaints regarding officials should be submitted in writing and contain points of fact. DO NOT DISCUSS OFFICIATING OR THE OFFICIALS WITH THE FACILITY STAFF DURING OR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING YOUR GAME.
- A request to not have a specific referee for your game may be made to the front desk but reassignment of referee is not guaranteed.
- Player Rosters: Player rosters must be turned in prior to the FIRST (1ST) GAME OF THE SESSION. Changes will be permitted prior to the THIRD (3rd) game. Failure to comply will result in forfeiture of all games played with illegal player(s). Players may only be added later if a player is injured and removed from the roster for the remainder of the session. Proof of injury must be provided. Acceptable proof shall be a doctor’s note. Any other requests to add players after the third game will be considered at the discretion of management.
- After the third game of the session, a total of three (3) player changes are allowed: One injury as proved by the presentation of a doctor’s note, and two discretionary changes.
- Discretionary changes must comply with the following conditions: Up to two players may be dropped from a team roster but may not be replaced by any other player who is participating in an upper or same division, during the same session. If the replacement player is already on a lower division roster, adding this player must not result in exceeding the maximum number of upper division players in the lower division.
- Replacing players during the week of playoffs is not allowed. All players must have played at least one regular game in the session to be eligible for playoffs.
- Levels of Competition: Soccer Central reserves the right to make the necessary changes within league divisions to ensure an equal level of ability and competition.
- Player Boxes: Only players and (2) coaches are allowed in the player boxes during league games. Family, friends, and guests are required to remain in designated viewing areas. If an unauthorized player or coach is in the box and refuses to leave, the officials will stop the game until they leave the box, and the team will be awarded a time penalty.
- Warming Up: There is limited space to warm up before your game. You may only warm up on your designated field. The best thing to do is be prepared and enter the field where your game is going to be played as soon as possible and start warming up immediately.
- Team Check-in: Team Manager/Coach must give the membership cards to the Official Scorekeeper PRIOR to the start of the game.
- A player cannot play without a membership card, if the player forgets the membership card; he/she will have to pay a fee of $10.00 for a player pass.
- NOTE: The player pass is only good for one day, if a membership card is lost, a $15.00 fee will be charged for a replacement card.
League and Player Information
- INDIVIDUAL PLAYER DIVISIONAL PARTICIPATION: An individual player may play on two teams provided that both teams do not enter the same playoff bracket. For example playing in Men’s Premier and Men’s Division 2 is permissible. A player may switch teams only once during the first three weeks of the session. For instance, if a male player signs up on a Men’s team and plays on Monday night, and then changes rosters and plays with a Men’s team on Tuesday night, that player cannot change teams again. A lower division team may not field more than four players from an upper division. Any team with more than four upper division players will be subject to forfeit until extra upper division players are dropped from the roster.
- LEAGUE STANDINGS POINT SYSTEM: Win = 3 points, Tie = 1 point, Loss= 0 points. League games that end in a tie score after regulation play shall remain a tie game.
- LEAGUE DIVISIONS TIES: The following tie breaking system order shall govern any league divisions ending in a tie at the end of the league season:
- (1st) Comparison of league record against each other.
- (2nd) Comparison of goal differential against each other.
- (3rd) Comparison of goal differential for the season.
- DIVISIONAL PROMOTION: For all Men’s, Women’s and Co-Ed divisions, the team that comes in first place based on points after an 8-game season must move up a division or sit out the next session. For instance, a Co-Ed Division 2 team that places first in the division must move up to Co-Ed Division 1 for the next session. If that team does not want to participate in Division 1, they may choose to take a session off from play.
- GAME SCHEDULE & MAKE-UP GAMES: If a team is unable to play a scheduled game the opposing team may choose to accept a 1-0 forfeit. If both teams agree to a make-up, they will be offered possible times from the facility management office. It will be the responsibility of the team managers or representatives to coordinate and select one of the available times.
- All league games begin at the posted game time. Players and coaches are responsible for knowing the correct time and being on the field ready to play. The 24-minute clock automatically begins at game time. Official time at Soccer Central is that of the clock on the scoreboard. If the teams are not ready, the referee will wait five minutes while the game clock is running. After five minutes, the game will be declared a forfeit and the referee is not required to stay and officiate for an unofficial scrimmage.
- In the case of a play-off game, if there are verifiable extenuating circumstances, through no fault of the players, that cause more than 50% of a team’s roster to not be ready to play at game time, at management’s discretion, that team may be awarded a 20 minute grace period after which the game will be declared a forfeit.
- Play-offs for adult leagues are held during the week following each 8-week session. The team registration fees pay for the 8-game season, but they do not cover the costs of running an extra week of play-offs. To cover these costs, admission is charged at the door, $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for kids 3-14 years old.
- All players must have played at least one regular game in the session to be eligible for play-offs.
- Play-off games are single-elimination. If the game is tied at the end of regulation time, there will be two five-minute over-time periods. These will be “sudden death” the first team to score a goal wins the game. If no goals are scored and the game is still tied, penalty kicks will be taken in a series of three per team. There are no play-offs for Youth Leagues.
- There is a red card policy fee of $50.00. The red carded player is responsible for paying the fee before participating in any other games.
- A player or coach who receives a red card must immediately leave the player boxes and field area.
- The player or coach may also be required to serve a suspension, as outlined below. One-game suspensions must be served for the team that the player is on when the red card is received. For instance, if a woman player is playing on a Co-Ed team and a Women’s team, and she receives a red card in a Co-Ed game, she must sit out the next Co-Ed game. She cannot sit out her next Women’s game to serve the suspension although the red card fine must be paid before any league participation. If a player or coach receives a red card that includes a one-game suspension and they receive the red card in the last game of a session, they will serve their suspension in the first game of the next session they register to play in, regardless of whether it is Men’s, Women’s or Co-Ed.
- Red Card suspensions are as follows:
- Red Card for Handball to prevent a goal-scoring opportunity - one game suspension
- Red Card for Foul or abusive language—one game suspension
- Red Card for Persisting in misconduct after having received a caution-one game suspension
- Red Card for three (2-minute) time penalties—minimum one game suspension
- Red Card for Violent Conduct or Serious Foul Play—minimum three game suspension subject to further disciplinary action as decided by facility management.
- Red Card for Fighting Before, During or After a Game—minimum one year suspension subject to further disciplinary action as decided by facility management.
- Red Card for Assaulting an Official (an “Assault on an Official” shall be defined as an attempt to commit a battery upon official; and an act which is close to accomplishment shall be sufficient to constitute an assault upon an official. Local authorities will also be notified.)— Minimum one year suspension subject to further disciplinary action as decided by facility management.
- Any player or coach who accumulates three (3) yellow cards within one division during one 8-week session will be suspended for one game. If the player receives the third yellow card in the eighth (8th) game of the session and the team has qualified for play-offs, the player will sit out the first game of play-offs. If the team has not qualified for play-offs, the player will sit out the first game of the next session they sign up to play in.
- Should a coach of a team be unable to control a player’s actions after a red card is issued, the coach will also be suspended as outlined above.
- A player accumulating three straight red cards over a one year period will receive a minimum sixteen (16) week suspension and subject to further disciplinary action as decided by facility management.
- A player accumulating three red cards (as a result of an accumulation of several lesser penalties) over a one year period, will receive a minimum eight (8) week suspension subject to further disciplinary action as decided by facility management.
- Do Not Jump In If A Fight Is Occurring On The Field! – Players and coaches who jump in are subject to a red card. Allow the other players on the field and staff to break up the fight and the referee will issue red cards to the players involved in the fight.
- MANAGER/PLAYER RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of each player and the Team Manager/Coach be aware of the total status of their players' infractions. Failure to comply may result in further disciplinary measures that may include suspension of the Team Manager/Coach and forfeiture of games played in. (This includes use of illegal players - those not registered properly on the team roster or not current on facility membership dues.)
- TERMINATION OF PARTICIPATION: The facility management reserves the right to terminate an individual's and team's participation at the facility for violation of the facility policies as posted.
- TEAM NO-SHOWS: If a team cannot play a scheduled game, the facility requires a 48-hour notice or the game will be forfeited and not re-scheduled. (See FORFEITURES)
- FORFEITURES: A team forfeiting a game(s) during any one session will be subject to the following fines:
- 1st Forfeit - $25.00 fine
- 2nd Forfeit - $50.00 fine
- 3rd Forfeit - Termination of team participation from the session and loss of re-registration priority.
- Fines for forfeitures must be paid prior to a team continuing the session schedule.
- Intention to file protest must be noted in writing immediately following the game.
- A formal written protest with a $20.00 fee (refundable if upheld) must be submitted to Soccer Central, within 48 hours after the end of the game. ONLY A VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OF THE GAME, RULES OR GUIDELINES OF THE FACILITY AS PUBLISHED ARE MATTERS FOR PROTEST.
- Protests regarding fielding of illegal players must be brought to the attention of the game officials prior to the suspected player(s) leaving the field of play.
- FIRST AID: Soccer Central does not supply a first aid kit for teams. It shall be the responsibility of each Team Manager/Coach to maintain their own first-aid kit for treatment of their players.