
29, M, looking for men's or coed team

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29, M, looking for men's or coed team

Postby PRB » Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:59 pm

My name is brian, I'm looking for a team that needs a defender. I have a slight preference for coed; although I'm a competetive person, I also am aware that I'm not the world's best soccer player, I play 'cause it's fun and I can do without some of the macho BS you sometimes get in men's leagues.

I haven't played since they shut down the league in scotts valley, but played there and in the outdoor league in santa cruz for 4 years or so, also played youth soccer for just about forever.

If I can find a team, this will be my first time doing any sports since a pretty bad motorcycle crash this summer. I am pretty sure it won't affect my game BUT... My left arm is now paralyzed, I will probably have to make sure the league is cool with me playing in a sling.

So, if anybody is looking for a rusty old cripple to play defense on their team, that would be great!
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:48 pm

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