
25 yr old female seeking a team

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25 yr old female seeking a team

Postby Cameroncrog23 » Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:04 pm

Hi! My name is Cameron. I absolutely love soccer and have played all my life at a competitive level. I am really trying to get on a team this go around. I typically play center midfied but will happily play any position. I would come to every game consistently, bring a great attitide, and be so stoked to find a team to join. I moved back into the area after college and have been wanting to play again badly (I did intramurals and a little club in college). I coach soccer at a watsonville school and would love to get out and play myself!

Please email me by hitting the little letter icon to the right if you need a player or even a sub player occasionally.

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 20, 2021 9:26 pm

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