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Seeking Somewhat Competitive & Fun-Natured Coed/Men's Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:27 pm
by Anthony
I just moved to the Santa Cruz area and hope to play for a local fun coed or men's team. I am 36 years old and have been playing pickup and coed in the San Francisco area the past three years. I am athletic, fit, enjoy covering the pitch and making runs, have above average pace, and tend to pass rather than shoot. I started as a defender and now usually play midfield and forward. Also, I pass to whomever is open, regardless of sex or skill level - getting everyone involved is much more fun and more potent offensively. I would love to play a couple games before the autumn season.


Re: Seeking Somewhat Competitive & Fun-Natured Coed/Men's Team

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:04 pm
by yaotecatl
I am contacting random people like you who mentioned interest in playing. I am also interested and have not found a team, so would like to start one, like I said I have contacted other people both men/women that have posted interest, so likely to be co-ed. Interested?

Re: Seeking Somewhat Competitive & Fun-Natured Coed/Men's Team

PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:08 pm
by yaotecatl
I am contacting you because I also am interested in playing, but have not yet found a team, so am interested in starting one, so far I have replied to both men and women who have also mentioned interest in playing, so likely to be a co-ed team, if we can get enough of ea. gender. Interested?